Sources of the Liturgy

Acta of the Second Vatican Council
The Acta et Documenta and Acta Synodalia together make up the primary source material for Vatican II. Within its sixty-two volumes are contained the entire official record of the Council: the pre-conciliar vota, the preparation of the draft texts, the speeches and written submissions of the Fathers, explanations of amendments, and so on.
Although the Acta is a vital key to the mind of the Council Fathers and should be, as Archbishop Agostino Marchetto puts it, the “secure basis” for the interpretation and historiography of Vatican II, it has unfortunately been highly-neglected by many theologians and historians. To help rectify this, over the last few years there has been an ongoing project to digitise the Acta, and make it more accessible to everyone. Below are links to each individual volume of the Acta, which can be browsed and freely downloaded at
Preparatory Period (1960-62)
This stage of the Council involved the preparation of the draft schemata that would be discussed at the council. Ten Preparatory Commissions and two Secretariats prepared the texts, which were then scrutinised by the Central Preparatory Commission before the start of the Council proper.
Acta et Documenta Concilio Oecumenico Vaticano II apparando
Series I (Antepraeparatoria)
January 1959 to June 1960

Volume I: Acts of the Supreme Pontiff John XXIII
Volume II: Intentions and wishes [vota] of the Bishops and Prelates
Appendix to Volume II: Analytical view of the intentions and wishes given by the bishops and prelates
Volume III: Propositions and advice of the Holy Congregations of the Roman Curia
Volume IV: Studies and wishes [vota] of ecclesiastical and Catholic Universities and Faculties
Acta et Documenta Concilio Oecumenico Vaticano II apparando
Series II (Praeparatoria)
June 1960 to October 1962

Volume I: Acts of the Supreme Pontiff John XXIII
Volume II: Acts of the Pontifical Central Preparatory Commission for the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council
Part I: First and second sessions (12-20 June 1961; 7-17 November 1961)
Part II: Third and fourth sessions (15-23 January 1962; 19-27 February 1962)
Part III: Fifth and sixth sessions (26 March - 3 April 1962; 3-12 May 1962)
Volume III: Acts of the Preparatory Commissions and Secretariats of the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council
Volume IV: Acts of the Subcommissions of the Central Preparatory Commission for the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council
Acta Synodalia Sacrosancti Concilii Oecumenici Vaticani II
October 1962 to December 1965

Volume I: First Session (1962)
Volume II: Second Session (1963)
Part I: Public Session II; General Congregations XXXVII-XXXIX
Part VI: General Congregations LXXIV-LXXIX; Public Session III
Volume III: Third Session (1964)
Part I: Public Session IV; General Congregations LXXX-LXXXII
Part VIII: General Congregations CXXIII-CXXVII; Public Session V
Volume IV: Fourth Session (1965)
Part I: Public Session VI; General Congregations CXXVIII-CXXXII
Part VI: General Congregations CLVI-CLXIV; Public Session VIII
Volume V: Verbal processes
Volume VI: Acts of the General Secretary